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Interpunct Creative Education Lab

04 Rules of the academy

Rules for the proper functioning of the academy


05.1 School calendar

At Interpunct we follow the official school calendar of Quart de Poblet’s City Council. Students can check the school calendar at the following link: School calendar in Quart de Poblet

In this respect, we proceed as usual: group classes that coincide with a non-teaching day will not be deducted from the monthly payment. The fees for September and June will be paid in full.

If one day the student does not attend class due to a problem unrelated to the language centre or the teaching staff, there will be no discount on the monthly fee either. 

The student will have the option of making up lost group classes with a private class, upon payment of the service.

05.2 Payment of fees


for your convenience, we can charge your monthly instalments by direct debit. The student will provide his or her account number to the centre's staff when filling in the enrolment form.
CASH OR CARD: the amount of the monthly payment will be paid within the first 5 working days of the month. Failure to pay a fee may result in the cancellation of the place in the course.


El importe de la mensualidad se abonará en los primeros 5 días hábiles del mes. El impago de alguna cuota puede suponer la cancelación de la plaza.
En los grupos de inglés para adultos, el alumno queda exento del pago de matrícula siempre y cuando se comprometa a adquirir el libro de texto necesario para las clases.

05.3 Cancellation

If the student decides to cancel the classes, he or she will have to give 15 days’ notice. As long as there is no news of the cancellation, the student will have to continue paying the monthly fees. 

The month of June is charged at the beginning of the course as an enrolment fee. If the student cancels before June, the registration fee charged in September will not be refunded and he/she will not have the right to attend the June classes unless he/she pays the monthly fees due. If the student pays all the fees, he or she will not be charged for the month of June at the end of the course.

We thank you for your collaboration. Together we can make the academy work.

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